Clinical Hypnotherapy

Clinical Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is a technique that uses the hypnotic state, which enables changes in perception and memory, a major increase in response to suggestion, and the potential for controlling many physiologic functions that are usually involuntary. Hypnotherapy uses guided relaxation, intense concentration and focused attention to achieve a heightened state of awareness that is sometimes called a trance. The person’s attention is so focused while in this state that anything going on around the person is temporarily blocked or ignored. In this naturally occurring state and with the help of a trained therapist, the person may focus his or her attention on specific thoughts or tasks.
Hypnotherapy is performed by a licensed or certified health care professional who is specially trained in this technique. The decision whether or not to use hypnotherapy in a clinical setting as a sole treatment or as an adjunct treatment in psychotherapy should be made in consultation with a qualified professional who is trained in the use and limitations of hypnotherapy.

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